Friday, January 15, 2010

Adventures in Africa: Part I

Life is funny sometimes. When I started Most Naturally nearly five years ago, I could not have imagined the direction it would take me. This past fall, I was led to Africa. It all started several years ago when I started selling the Thanda Zulu line. I started with just a few necklaces and bracelets, not sure how my customers would react to it. Well, people loved the jewelry and the story behind it, and now several years later it occupies a prominent space in the store, the table full of different styles and colors.

As the line grew, so did my friendship with the program founder, Angela Larken, as well as my interest in South Africa. I looked forward to Angela's visits, anxious to hear of the progress, or setbacks, Thanda was making. On one such day when Angela was visiting the store I uttered the words "I would love to come to South Africa someday and see the Thanda project in person". Well, Angela and I touched upon the subject often after that - when I should go, what skills could I offer while I was there, etc. - until one day last spring when I got an email that said "the first week of October is good, come then". I landed in South Africa on October 1, 2009 and I have not been the same since.

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